WhatsApp Message Templates : A Guide By Botbuz.

WhatsApp Message Templates : A Comprehensive Guide to Effective Creation and Deployment.

WhatsApp Message Templates : A Quick Guide

WhatsApp message templates are pre-written messages. It is designed to send efficiently to a large number of users who have opted in to receive them. These messages  can be used for various purposes, like order confirmations, appointment reminders, or promotional offers.

What they are : Predefined messages for WhatsApp communication.

How they work : Businesses can create templates and get them approved by WhatsApp. Once approved, they can send these messages to users who have opted in.

Why effective templates matter :

  • Save Time : Quickly send consistent messages without manually typing each time.
  • Improve Engagement : Increase customer interaction and satisfaction with timely updates.
  • Boost Sales : Effectively promote products, offers, and abandoned carts.
  • Professional Communication : Maintain a polished brand image with clear and concise messaging.
WhatsApp Message Templates : A Qucik Guide.

Why Do Businesses Need WhatsApp Message Templates ?

Due to following reasons WhatsApp Message Templates are necessary ;

Say Goodbye to Repetition : Templates eliminate the need to type the same message countless times. Thus, saving significant time and effort.

Consistency is the Key : Templates ensure your messaging reflects your brand voice. It maintains a consistent tone across all communications.

Avoid Rejection Woes : Pre-approved templates, reduce the chance of your messages being rejected by WhatsApp for violating their guidelines.

Personalization Made Easy : Templates can include placeholders for dynamic content like names, order details, or appointment times. This allows for personalization without sacrificing it’s efficiency.

Stay on the Right Side of the Law : Approved templates ensure your communication adheres to WhatsApp’s policies and regulations. Thus, keeping your complaint and avoiding various potential penalties.

Elements used in creating WhatsApp Message Templates :

WhatsApp message templates consist of  elements that work together to deliver clear and effective communication. Let’s delve deeper into each element :

Header : This is a short introductory line. It is limited to 60 characters, that sets the context for the message. It can be text, an image, or a document.

Body : This is the heart of your message, where you convey the main information. The body can contain up to 1024 characters of text. It can be formatted with bold, italics, or strikethrough for emphasis. It can also include placeholders for dynamic content, allowing for personalization.

Footer : The footer provides a closing statement or call to action (CTA) in under 60 characters. It cannot be formatted or personalized.

Buttons : These interactive elements elevate engagement by allowing users to respond directly within the message. You can include up to three quick reply buttons with pre-defined text or a single call-to-action button that directs users to a particular website or initiates a phone call.

Getting Your Message Across : WhatsApp Template Approvals

Before you can send out messages to your WhatsApp audience, your templates need to pass muster with WhatsApp. Here’s a breakdown of the approval process and the different statuses you might encounter :

The Approval Process :

Craft Your Template :  You’ll build your template using the components we discussed earlier (header, body, footer, buttons).

Submit for Review : Once your template is ready, submit it to WhatsApp for approval.

Review and Decision: WhatsApp’s review process, often assisted by machine learning, typically takes up to 24 hours. In some cases, it might be reviewed by humans and could take longer.

Feedback and Action :  You’ll receive notification of the decision via email or your WhatsApp business manager.
The template can be :

Approved : Congratulations! Your template is good to go and can be used to send messages to opted-in users.

Pending :  This usually means the review is ongoing. If it takes longer than expected, you can contact your WhatsApp business solution provider for assistance.

Rejected :  If your template gets rejected, you’ll receive an explanation for the reason (e.g., violated guidelines, unclear information). You can edit the template to address the issue and resubmit it for approval.

Understanding Statuses :

Approved : Your template has passed the review and is ready for use.

Pending : The review process is ongoing. Be patient and wait for the final decision.

Rejected : Your template needs revision to comply with WhatsApp’s guidelines. Edit and resubmit it for approval.

Understanding statuses of WhatsApp Message Templates.

Tips to get WhatsApp Message Template Approved :

Review WhatsApp’s Guidelines : Familiarize yourself with their guidelines to avoid rejection.

Be Clear and Concise : Keep your message focused and easy to understand.

Avoid Promotional Language : Focus on informational or transactional content in the initial template.

Proofread Carefully : Double-check for typos and grammatical errors before submission.

Types of WhatsApp Message Templates :

WhatsApp templates come in three main categories. Each tailored for a specific purpose :

Marketing Message Templates : Designed to spread brand awareness and promote various products or services. These templates can be used for :

  • New product announcements.
  • Discount offers and flash sales.
  • Event invitations and reminders.
  • Cart abandonment recovery messages.

Utility Message Templates : Focus on functional communication for customer support and transactions. These templates are ideal for :

  • Order confirmations and shipping updates.
  • Appointment reminders and booking confirmations.
  • Account updates and password reset codes.
  • Delivery notifications and tracking information.

Authentication Message Templates (Currently not supported) :

Not currently supported. WhatsApp has plans to introduce templates for verification purposes in the future. These templates would likely be used for :

  • Two-factor authentication codes.
  • Login approvals and security notifications.

Pricing of WhatsApp Message Templates :

Here’s the deal with WhatsApp message template costs :

Creation itself is Free : There’s no direct cost for creating and submitting your message templates for approval.

Sending Triggers the Fees : Costs are incurred when you actually send the approved templates to your users. WhatsApp uses a conversation-based pricing model.

Session Messages vs. Template Messages :

Session Messages : These are any messages exchanged within a 24-hour window initiated by your business. They can be free-flowing conversations. It doesn’t incur additional charges per message (beyond the fees charged by your Business Solution Provider or BSP).

Template Messages : These are pre-approved messages you send to users. They can be sent outside the 24-hour window and have separate charges.

Breakdown of Template Message Costs :

BSP Charges : Your Business Solution Provider (BSP) might have a per-message fee for sending template messages. This fee typically ranges from $0.003 to $0.007 USD per message.

WhatsApp Fee : On top of the BSP fee, there’s an additional flat fee of $0.0085 USD per message charged by WhatsApp itself.

So, the total cost per template message can be around $0.0115 to $0.0155 USD. (This is just an estimate, and the actual cost may vary depending on your BSP.)

Sending WhatsApp Message Templates through WhatsApp Chatbot :

Botbuz - Best WhatsApp Chatbot Services.

Integrating Message Templates with Botbuz Chatbot :

Design Your Templates : Create your message templates following WhatsApp’s guidelines and get them approved beforehand. You can use a separate platform or service for template creation and approval.

Identify Trigger Points : Within your Botbuz chatbot flow, determine situations where a message template would be most relevant. This could be after a user performs a specific action. It can ask a particular question, or reaches a certain stage in the conversation.

Utilize Send Message Component : In your Botbuz chatbot builder, locate the “Send Message” component. This allows you to deliver text messages to users.

Insert Template Content : Within the message body section of the “Send Message” component. You can paste the pre-approved template content you created earlier.

Personalize with Variables (Optional) : If your template includes placeholder variables (e.g., username, order number), utilize Botbuz’s variable functionalities. It can dynamically insert user-specific information during the interaction.

Optimizing Chatbot Interactions with Message Templates :

Seamless Integration : Ensure the message templates flow naturally within the conversation. It provides a smooth user experience.

Contextual Triggers : Use message templates only when relevant to the conversation flow, avoiding unnecessary interruptions.

Offer Opt-Out : Provide users with a clear way to opt-out of receiving further message templates if desired.

Combine with Free-Flow Chart : Don’t rely solely on templates. Integrate them with open-ended questions and chatbot responses to create a more interactive experience.

Track and Analyze : Monitor user engagement with message templates within your Botbuz analytics. This helps you identify which templates are most effective and where improvements can be made.

WhatsApp message templates offer a powerful tool for businesses to elevate their customer communication strategy. By creating clear, concise and approved templates, you can streamline communication, boost efficiency and enhance customer experience.

Botbuz Chatbot acts as a bridge. It allows you to seamlessly integrate these templates into your chatbot flows.
Thus, triggering them at the right moments and personalizing them for individual users. This combination empowers you to deliver targeted information. It also automates tasks and provides a more engaging and interactive experience for your customers on WhatsApp. Remember, the key lies in understanding your audience. Using templates strategically and continuously optimizing your approach.

By embracing WhatsApp message templates and Botbuz chatbot functionalities, you can unlock a world of possibilities for more effective and impactful communication on this ever-growing platform.